Landslides — Get Prepared

Landslides can happen without warning, and can occur in all regions of Canada.

How to prepare before a landslide

You can protect yourself and your household by understanding this natural hazard and by following basic steps.

Prepare your home

During a landslide

Keep clear of falling debris

If you are outdoors during a landslide, move quickly away from its likely path. Keep clear of embankments, trees, power lines, and poles.

If you are indoors during a landslide, leave immediately if you can safely do so. If you cannot safely leave the building, find cover in the section of the building that is furthest away from the approaching landslide, take shelter under a strong table or bench, and hold on until all movement has stopped.

If you are caught in a landslide with no option to evacuate to safety, curl in a tight ball and protect your head and neck.

Leave the area immediately if you observe the following

After a landslide

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