Bomb threats – Get Prepared

Responding to a bomb threat

Bomb threats are commonly made over the telephone, but they can also be made via email, hand-written note or letter, in-person, or other means. Every bomb threat is unique and it should be managed in the context of its situation, location, and environment.

Over the phone

If you receive a bomb threat over the phone, try to stay calm and do not hang up. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible to gather information.

Take detailed notes of any information available, including:

When the call ends, call 9-1-1 and follow your building security procedures.  

Via email

If you receive a bomb threat via email:

Call 9-1-1 and building management immediately

Via hand-written note or letter

If you receive a bomb threat via a hand-written note or letter, touch the message as little as possible.

Try to note the following:


If you receive a verbal or in-person bomb threat, try and remain as calm as possible. Do not act aggressively towards the person making the threat.

Try to note the following:

When the person leaves, call 911 and follow your building security procedures.

Other considerations

If you have been notified of a bomb threat and a suspicious package is found, do not touch it. Leave the area and call 9-1-1 immediately.

If possible, leave doors and windows open to provide access to the responding authorities. It will also disperse the blast pressure in case there is an explosion, and potentially reduce any damage.

If your office is been evacuated, go to your muster point and wait for further instructions.

In the case of an explosion

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