Get Prepared

Emergencies can happen at any time and without warning. Be ready. With a little preparation, you can respond quickly to help yourself and others. Understand the risks in your area, create a household emergency plan and build an emergency kit.

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Learn about hazards and emergencies

Learn about the hazards that can lead to emergencies.

Get prepared

Learn how to prepare your household for emergencies.

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Extreme weather can hit quickly. Are you ready?


[A family sits in their living room watching TV.]

Weather announcer: And some nasty weather rolling in across the country today…

[The TV shows people walking outside in a storm. The news ticker on the TV reads: “Breaking news: Heavy snowfall warnings across Canada”.]

Narrator: Extreme weather can hit quickly.

[Grandpa looks up from his crossword at the TV.]

Narrator: Because of climate change, high-risk weather is becoming more common and severe across Canada.

[The TV shows extreme high winds and reads: “Hurricane makes landfall”.]

[Dad and Mom look at each other, concerned.]

[The TV shows a series of extreme weather events. The ticker now reads: “Flood waters rapidly rising”.]

Narrator: 1 in 3 Canadian adults have experienced a major weather-related emergency or disaster.

[Daughter looks at the TV with wide eyes and drops her coloured pencil.]

[The TV shows a severe thunderstorm. The camera pans to show that the storm is now happening outside the family’s window. Thunder claps.

The family is no longer in the living room.]

Narrator: Know the risks in your area and learn what actions you can take.

[Cut to the kitchen. Mom runs her finger down an Emergency Checklist attached to the fridge.]

[Dad checks the kitchen cupboards for emergency supplies.]

Narrator: Are you ready?

[Dad sets two jugs of water on the kitchen island. Mom brings out a first aid kit.]

Narrator: Visit

[The family sits around the island. Onscreen text:]

Narrator: A message from the Government of Canada.

[Canada wordmark]

Make an emergency plan

When emergencies happen, having a plan in place is the best way to respond quickly and protect your family, your community and your property. Make a plan now – before you need one.


Wildfire Response

Government of Canada emergency response, support, and recovery measures.

Flood Ready

Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters in Canada. Take steps to protect your property.

Canadian Disaster Database

The Canadian Disaster Database contains detailed disaster information on more than 1,000 natural, technological and conflict events (excluding war) that have happened since 1900.

Get Prepared for Wildfires!

As the weather warms up, Canadians are at greater risk of being impacted by wildfires. Learn how to protect yourself, your family, and your home.

Emergency Preparedness Week

May 4-10, 2025. With a little preparation, you can be ready for anything. Understand the risks in your area, create a household emergency plan and build an emergency kit.

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